Planning and Profile Books

Planning and evaluation of the programme takes place collectively by the staff at our regular planning meetings. The programme is planned and evaluated in conjunction with the principles of Te Whāriki (Part A – Te Ara Whānui), the Early Childhood Curriculum and is based on the Learning Story and Learning Note format. All facets of the programme are available for viewing.

Te Whāriki meaning, ‘The woven mat’ was chosen as the name for the NZ Early Childhood Curriculum framework because it represents the diversity of the ECE sector. We use the curriculum framework to weave our own whāriki with its own unique features.

This is our Whāriki what is unique and special about LUECC:

  • Situated within a land-based university, our Centre benefits from access to a range of university resources, including the recreation centre. Children participate in weekly gym sessions, regular on-campus excursions, and visits to the local community, including primary schools, the library, and the supermarket.
  • The centre accesses a wide range of resources, values, knowledge, personal and professional skills and diverse cultures of the parents/whānau that attend the University.
  • Our rural setting enhances our commitment to environmental education, we are members of Enviroschools and the Envirotowns Trust.

LUECC has the unique opportunity of working in a highly multicultural community whilst being committed to biculturalism. We aim to facilitate and resource children’s learning by providing a warm, loving, and positive environment that is rich in natural resources. As educators we encourage children to develop respect and value for our Tangata Whenua.

The special characteristics of teaching and learning are reflected in the documentation of children’s learning notes and learning stories, anecdotes, photographs, room updates, and inquiry-based learning. The effectiveness of teaching and learning is measured by each child’s voice, parent voices and the educators’ professional interpretation and assessment of children’s learning.

The emergent curriculum and spontaneous play are valued in our day and is an important part of the daily programme. Children are encouraged to share interests and knowledge from their home and community. Links to local community and family are encouraged by trips to university departments, places of parent’s work, local library and places of interest suggested by whānau, children and staff.

In Preschool room, each child has a profile book which records their learning journey during their time at LUECC. Teachers will write anecdotes, learning notes and learning stories about your child, and these will be presented on Educa. Some of these stories are printed and put in their profile books as well. You are welcome to take these home to read, contribute to, and share with your family. Whānau input is invaluable to these books, so feel free to contribute photos or stories about your child from home. We encourage feedback through comment section on Educa. Sometimes stories link to things that have happened at home, and it is always exciting for us to see where these interests have come from, and to share them with you.

We encourage families to cover their children’s profile book with photos or pictures, this gives children a sense of ownership and pride in their book (it also helps children to recognise their book). Children can access their own books, and we often spend time reading children’s profile books with them which helps them to develop a sense of who they are and a sense of pride in their accomplishments!