Continuity of Learning

Transition from LUECC to school

The purpose of transition is to ensure that tamariki (children) who are nearly five years of age will have a smooth and positive transition from the early childhood environment to the school environment. We endeavour to build on the child’s own experiences, knowledge, skills, attitudes, needs, interests and views of the world. Tamariki will have the opportunity to create and act on their own ideas, to develop knowledge, skills and dispositions in areas that interest them, and to make an increasing number of their own decisions and choices.

Open and frequent communication between tamariki, whānau, kaiako, LUECC and school is the key to a successful transition.

New entrance teachers (particularly those at our local schools) have explained their classroom as a transition room, which enables tamariki to move from one area of learning to another at their own pace and in their own way. The current classroom format of collaborative learning environments for new entrance schools is similar to the way learning occurs here at LUECC. We offer a range of open-ended experiences and areas of play that encourage creativity and problem solving, and opportunities to extend wonderings into knowledge through discussion and hands on experiences. 'Transition to school time’ it is woven into the tamariki’s day and benefits them in their holistic growth, preparing them best for primary school, with tamariki working alongside others on their chosen task and at their own pace within a community of learning.