Daily Routines


Each child’s daily rhythm and needs are balanced with child initiated inside and outside play is promoted throughout the day with a variety of learning experiences based on children’s interests, abilities and current curriculum design.

The following is an approximate daily routine; it may vary depending on the children's needs on a given day.

8am — LUECC opens

8 - 11.00am

  • Greet children, parents, whanau and staff.
  • Breakfast/morning kai.
  • Nappies/bottles and sleep routines as required.
  • Toddlers may have morning kai and their nappy changed in the Preschool as part of their transition.

11.00 - 12.30pm

  • Lunch.
  • Nappies/bottles, and sleep routines as required.
  • Farewell children and parents.

12.30pm — end of am session start of pm session

12.30 - 3.30pm

  • Greet parents and children.
  • Nappies/bottles and sleep routines continue as required.
  • Afternoon kai.
  • Toddler transition - toddlers may have afternoon kai and their nappy changed in the preschool as part of their transition.

3:30 - 5pm

  • Tidy up and put away toys.
  • Late snack.
  • Farewell children and parents.

5pm — LUECC closes