Our philosophy

Our philosophy at LUECC reflects the following four key values.


Sense of kinship


Knowledge and wisdom


Shared learning between teachers and students


Process of learning

Curriculum priorities

Aroha ki te ako (Love for learning)

Through a strong curriculum focus, we believe in creating an environment that promotes love for learning, the desire to explore, make discoveries and value play as central to this learning journey. Our practice is intentional in supporting children to develop social competencies to become competent life-long learners.

Whanaungatanga (sense of connection, meaningful relationships)

We believe that nurturing relationships and communication with our families, and the wider community is paramount, ensuring we connect with people and their cultures and honour the diversity they bring to our centre.

Kaitiakitanga (managing the environment based on the Māori tikanga and perspectives)

We believe in fostering a strong connection with nature during these early years of learning. When we are envisioning and taking action for a sustainable future in our community, it is important that we are doing so alongside local hapū.

Our team